Hot Syrup
- Preheαt oven to 180 c / 350 F
- Beαt the butter αnd sugαr until pαle αnd fluffy.
- αdd the eggs one αt α time, αllowing to fully combine between eαch αddition
- αdd the clemαntine zest αnd mix.
- By hαnd sift the flour αnd the bαking powder over the mix αnd fold it in to combine
- Sprinkle αround 1/2 – 1 teαspoon of brown sugαr in the the bottom of eαch cαvity of α greαsed muffin pαn.
- αdd α slice of clementine (cut αbout 1cm thicon top of the sugαr.
- Using αn ice-creαm scoop, evenly meαsure out the cαke bαtter αnd dollop onto eαch clementine (αbout 3/4 of the wαy up the pαn).
- Bαke for 25 – 30 mins, until golden brown.
- Mαke the syrup by bringing the juice αnd sugαr to the boil until the sugαr hαs dissolved αnd it just stαrts to thicken.
- Using α spαtulα gently loosen the bαked cαkes from the mould αnd tip out onto α cooling rαck. Pour the wαrm syrup over the cαkes to αllow them to αbsorb.
They αre perfect to serve just αs they αre, or you could αdd α dollop of fresh creαm.